About Sunshine Housing Inc.

Sunshine Housing Inc. is a non profit, charitable organization that provides person centered supports for people who experience disability.

We receive funding from the Ministry of Social Services and Saskatchewan Health Authority.

Our story began in 1985 when Sunshine Housing Inc. was incorporated under the Non-Profit Corporation Act by a group of friends and families of persons with disabilities. A proposal was made to the government to open a home in Hague. This location was chosen as there was a Developmental Centre and Daily Living Resource at Hague School. The proposal was accepted in 1987 and in the first home opened in 1988. In 2000 the second home in Hague, to follow in 2006 we opened the third home in Osler and in 2010 the fourth home opened in Hague. In 2019 we started our Community Based Day Program.

Mission Statement

The mission of Sunshine Housing Inc. is to provide person-centered supports to adults with varying abilities by enhancing their quality of life including physical, social, emotional and spiritual well-being.

Our Values

Sunshine Housing Inc. subscribes to the following values:

Positive Relationships:

This value is reflected in how we develop, enhance and maintain a positive relationship with the people we serve and their families\guardians, as well as the community at large.


The value is reflected in the relationships we have with persons we serve, their families and staff, board, and administrator. We respect and accept the uniqueness of each individual involved in the organization.

Honesty and Trust:

Honesty and trust is the Christian-based principles on which Sunshine Housing Inc. operates.


This value is reflected in our readiness and willingness to respond to a changing environment for the betterment of the people we serve.

Working Co-operatively:

This value is reflected in the interactions of our agency with all other agencies\organizations involved in meeting the needs of the people we serve.

Vision Statement

All people deserve an equal opportunity to a full and meaningful life.

More about us from the people who know us best!

Sandra Wiebe, Sunshine Resident

What is important to you that people should know about Sunshine Housing?

“It is important to have fun people in my life.”

“I like people when people do stuff (tasks/jobs) with me and don’t always just tell me what to do. I know how to do (cooking, cleaning) they don’t need to tell me, but I like to do it together.”

What do you like about living at Sunshine?

“I like the projects we do at Sunshine like painting wood signs and selling them on Facebook.” “I like my staff, they are nice and they give good hugs. I have my own family, but the staff are like another family.”

Dave Epp, Sunshine Resident

What is important to you that people should know about Sunshine Housing?

“Staff need to be problem solvers. You can’t be controlling. You have to be easy going and explain things in a gentle way. You can’t just tell people what to do or there will be tension in the house.”

What is important to you that people should know about Sunshine Housing?

“For me personally, at the men’s home, we are independent and that is very important for me. I like having my freedom and to do what I want. I like that there are people who care about me and look out for me and make sure there is quality of life, but I like that I have as much freedom as possible living here.”

Meet the Sunshine Housing Inc. Leadership Team

Jenn Rutka

Executive Director

Romona Heisler

Administrative Assistant

Renee Zeabin

Residential/Day Program Coordinator

Phyllis Penner

6th Street Home Manager

Corri Demeester

Osler Home Manager

Mackenzie Macza

Adventure Home Manager

Lori Macza

Sask Valley Consultant

Marissa Kowalenko

Venture Homes Manager

Our Board of Directors

Mandy Osmond
Board Chair

Lynn Adrian
Board Treasurer

Carol Johnston
Regular Member

Laura Van Loon
Regular Member

Ben Krahn
Board Vice Chair

Bonnie Osicki
Board Secretary

Ron Friesen
Regular Board Member

Ronna Fehr
Regular Board Member